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Senior Survival Guide By Jocelyn Galvez

Due to the Coronavirus schools were forced to close for the rest of the school year. This is a hard time for students especially for seniors who worked hard these 12 years of school to not be able to celebrate their graduation like everyone does. Seniors are forced to graduate online. This is the first time a graduating class won’t be able to walk the line. They will not be able to shake their teacher's hand while walking down the graduation line. Or unable to spend the last days of school saying goodbye face to face or no last hugs. So I wrote this survival guide for the seniors who need to read this.

Wash your hands and stay home. I know this is a hard time but we still need to be safe. During this pandemic we need to minimize the spread of the virus which would mean we need to minimize meeting with others. Staying home is the best way to stop the virus from spreading more. If you're sick make sure you take medication to help, and if you think you might have the Coronavirus make sure you get tested. Take care of yourself and create a routine to help you adapt. Make sure that you drink plenty of water. Don’t stress so much because it can lower your immune system, stay calm during this time, it will all get better soon.

Since a lot of things are closed life can get pretty boring. These are things that you can do at home. You can pick up a hobby like painting or playing an instrument. Start reading some books or start writing to improve your literacy skills. If you love math, print out some worksheets to do. Do your online class assignments to make sure that you graduate. Go to Khan Academy and learn something new. Play some games with your family, you’re going to spend a lot of time with them, and might as well do something fun together. Discover new music you have never listened to before, maybe you’ll find a new artist that you like. Exercise and go out for walks in your neighborhood. Do some stretches while all home. Just because the gyms are closed doesn’t mean you can’t online exercise at home. And make sure you get fresh air and sunlight once in a while. But stop meeting up with people, you’re going to be fine not seeing your friends in person because we have the technology to be able to talk to people without being in front of their faces

A way to cope with how you're not getting a graduation is knowing that you're not alone. Many other seniors are going through the same thing as you. Have group talks with your senior friends and talk about your feelings about this situation. Talking about your feelings can also help your mental health because you're not just bottling up your emotions. In times like these talking about what’s going on in your head is healthy for you. Don’t let these emotions trap you. We’re social beings so we need to talk to others so calling your friends and asking them what they’re up to is a way to socialize with others. If you’re in therapy, I really recommend video chatting with them to help you get out your feelings.

Though this situation isn’t good I just wanted to tell you that you're strong, yes you. Even though you won’t get the graduation you imagined you’re still making the best out of it. Look at you, you’re taking the first step to being an adult. You finished High school, not a lot of people graduate but you did it. Be proud of yourself for coming this far. With whatever you're going to go with you, going to college or starting your career path, you will be able to accomplish anything you put your mind to. Don’t let this virus stop you from being proud of yourself, show the Coronavirus how strong you are. And most importantly you’re loved. See life in a positive way, this is not the end of the world, this is the beginning of a new chapter in your life. Class of 2020, I hope you all become successful and enjoy your life.

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