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Dear Class of 2020 By Nicole Torres

Updated: Apr 23, 2020

As any alumni would tell you, your senior year of high school is one of the greatest times of your life. You have finally reached a milestone, became an adult in the eyes of society and have nothing but hopes and dreams about your future. You move through your final year finishing the last few assignments in order to graduate, but you are truly focused on making memories which will last the rest of your lives. It is the right of every senior to enjoy accomplishing the feat and realizing that life is just beginning.

Then the Corona Virus hit. All of the plans that so many of our seniors had have all been set aside to deal with a global pandemic. Something like this has not been seen in over 100 years. Class of 2020, life always seems to always knock you down a bit. Most of you entered the world during the events of 9/11/2001. Now, you get to miss the remainder of the best year of your educational life due to good old Corona. I am sorry that things are not going as planned. I am sorry that you will not have the memories of your final days in high school. There is no doubt that these global events will shape your future.

The unprecedented affects felt worldwide by the Corona Virus has put the whole world on hold. It has cancelled sporting events. It has closed down businesses. But for all students, the most impactful of these closures was to shut down school. School for many students, is a place to get away from their home lives for a while. Students can see their friends and can get help from their teachers. Most importantly, they get to make memories. The pandemic put an end to all of that in one cough.

A lot of plans have been cancelled. The seniors will not be able to experience their senior prom, their last spring assembly, their last practice/game as a senior on a sports team or in the band. The harshest pill to swallow to most seniors is the loss of the graduation ceremony itself. Graduation is supposed to happen in just a few weeks. The Corona Virus has now cancelled the most important event in a school career. For seniors, I am sorry to tell you that you will now have to wait a while longer until you get to experience the feeling of wearing a cap and gown.

These are meant to be the memories you tell your children about. You are meant to spend this time being a kid while you still have the chance. Instead you are stuck inside to do your school work on your computer and not allowed to go out and make the memories you are meant to. For now, keep working hard, go to the school of your dreams or get the job you want. You really deserve it. I asked Senior, Nathaniel Castillo for his thoughts. “Our current situation has put another brick wall in front of me. With schools closing and me not being able to walk the line at Tingley Coliseum is heartbreaking. But I have gone through worst. My grandma passed away my sophomore year and I did not let that affect my education. I won’t let this virus affect my future plans of furthering my education at UNM and everything that life holds for me after that.”

Although the future right now is uncertain and the date to reopen society has not been set yet, there is always a silver lining. I would like to thank the seniors for all the memories they have given me in my 2 years at Atrisco. From the excitement of a last second win by our basketball team to showing all of the school what true school spirit is at an assembly, you have left your Jaguar paws all over our school. I hope you all go to the school of your dreams, find the job you always hoped for and accomplish all of the goals you have set for yourselves. You deserve everything you have worked so hard for. I wish you all the luck in everything your futures hold. After all, your lives have been bookended by 2 major events in history and you have come through unscathed, there is nothing that can stop you from succeeding. Class of 2020, YOU RULE!!!

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