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College or Virus Planning? By Vincent Herrera

Senior Year is the year where everything comes together and time to say goodbye to high school for seniors. Indeed senior year can be stressful but it can’t get more stressful right? Wrong… Ever since the schools closed on March 16th due to the Coronavirus left teachers have been scrambling around to find ideas how to communicate with their students. For the seniors they were left wondering how can I still learn, how do I apply for scholarships, how can I apply to colleges. With the Pandemic going on it is making life as we know it even more complicated for everyone but overall the seniors were hit hard by this.

Seniors who were left clueless on what to do were lucky enough to have some connections with their school. Seniors are lucky to have school groups and counselors that have made an effort to help them. The Counselors at Atrisco Heritage Academy HS(AHAHS) have made a google classroom for each graduating class and are giving the senior class advice to steer them into the right direction. Also at AHAHS the school group LNESC Upward Bound reaches out to all the seniors and still gives tutoring help and help with all the college things.

A miracle that the schools are trying to help their fellow seniors but another miracle is the colleges are also trying to help. Colleges that the seniors have sent Test scores or local colleges have been sending Emails on how they can help. The colleges show that if anyone has any questions they can reach out to them. They are encouraging online meets so the admission team for those schools can see the student and answer any questions they can.

Schools have truly put an effort to help as many students as they possibly can. Seniors can now use all that help and hopefully prepare for college. Now the only thing to worry about is about the Pandemic. Advice for all, Remember wash your hands, keep hands away from face wear gloves and or facemasks. These things will certainly help slow down the spread of the Virus.

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