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College on a Budget, How to Survive College By Arissa Anaya

It’s senior year and it’s time to start thinking of the future and how to survive it. Most people like upperclassmen get worried when they hear about how expensive college actually is. The students that have made the decision to go to college are fresh out of high school and are not old enough to have a job that pays for their living habits and personal needs. Obviously it is doable to survive on a very low budget because others have been doing it for years, freshman year as an independent individual is just hard. Past college students ways of living back then may help and if not here are some other ways to budget for college.

Questions asked to past college student’s were based on food, “how did you pay for food?Was your health a consideration? Then how much monthly did you spend on groceries?”. More than half of the people that were interviewed did end up paying for food out of their own pockets. Surprisingly only one out of half of them said “I always have and even more so because i'm getting older and I have more funds available,but that’s why I don't eat meat…your body’s a temple”. The most average amount of money spent for groceries in a single month is between 100 and 200 dollars which is good for living alone.

“According to the American College Health Association, the percentage of overweight and American college students has risen from 27.4 percent in fall 2006 to 29.2 percent in fall 2011. Unhealthy eating habits, sedentary lifestyles, and food insecurities have contributed to this high statistic”(medicaldaily). Most students who go to college can’t afford to watch what they eat and just focus on how much they can spend to feed themselves. First of all stop buying junk food and attempt to buy frozen fruits and veggies. Start grocery shopping at local businesses and food that is in season will be cheaper then more importantly it will promote local businesses. Incorporate using a crockpot and eating more protein, a crockpot will help cut down trips to the store especially buying in bulk and freezing them. Adding more protein to a diet will help increase focus and help with feeling well rested, instead of buying more meats which are expensive, use lentils,beans, and any type of nut. This was some basic advice on how to survive college fresh out of high school.

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